If you haven’t heard of Chris Bourne, you’ve been living under a rock. Chris is James from Busted’s baby brother. He has written songs for 5SOS (Daylight was penned by James and Chris). He was in former pop-rock band Hollywood Ending, and is a phenomenal solo artist in his own right.
Danny Simm (19) is one of Chris’ best friends. He is a DJ and kids TV personality and between the pair of them, they’ve now embarked on an adventure together across the country. Whilst Busted embark on their nationwide Night Driver tour, Chris and Danny have hopped along to help with merchandise. Chris is also meeting fans to promote his own tour which kicks off in April.
Along the way, Chris Bourne and Danny Simm are vlogging their travels, taking on fan challenges and enjoying the perks of being a part of the Busted entourage (The catering mainly, the vlogs always feature them both in catering with a cup of tea).
We were lucky enough to attend the Busted show in Chris’ home town Southend-On-Sea where Chris hosted a small pre-concert meet up for fans in his older brother Nick’s shop and we were able to see the lads in action. They took loads of selfies with fans, talked away to them about everything from upcoming music and Chris’ tour, to the price difference of Irn Bru between Scotland and Southend.
The vlogs are currently uploaded every other evening on Chris and Danny’s joint YouTube channel. The latest vlog featured Chris being challenged to the ultimate Busted fan quiz. It also showed Danny releasing his inner nerd at a closed comic book store and a Doctor Who Tardis whilst on their travels. Cameos are also made in the vlogs by Busted.
Chris and Danny plan to continue with the vlogs, and we hear from Chris that after the Busted tour their adventures will become wilder. Danny will be joining Chris on his Identity tour in April, with tickets available here. Until then you can keep up to date with the lads over on Twitter, @ChrisBourne and @DannySimm . You can also stream Chris’s EP Young Love Relapse on Spotify.
If you see Chris or Danny their travels, be sure to tweet us to let us know @CelebMix