The highly celebrated, The Fact Music Awards, hosted by Fan N Star, returns with yet another exciting list of prizes and performances for its viewers. The 2023 edition of the award show which is expected to kickstart on October 10, 6: 30 PM KST is held at the Namdong Gymnasium in Incheon.
The award show will also be gathering an exciting list of attendees from recently debuted groups like RIIZE to the evergreen artists of the Korean music industry, Lim Young-woong.
Additionally, several newly embarked soloists like the BTS members are also expected to be in attendance and grab a trophy back home. Given that the award show has gained K-pop fans' trust over the years, they've been particularly looking forward to the artists who'll be bagging their well-deserved awards.
All you need to know about the 2023 TMAs, The Fact Music Awards: Nominees, Lineup, live streaming details, and more
The Fact Music Awards is an annual award show that revolves around South Korea's influence across the globe which is recognized as the Hallyu Wave. Therefore, the awards and performances not only add to South Korea' proudly worn label but also honor the significant contributors who continue to extend the nation's unmatched influential characteristics.
Every year, the award show's several nomination categories honor different artists for their remarkable contributions to the Hallyu Wave, and additionally, three nominations are left to be chosen by the fans. Here are the three Fan N Start Choice nominations and the artists nominated under the same:
Fan N Star Choice Group
- Stray Kids
Fan N Star Choice Individual
- Lim Young-woong
- Chiyeul Hwang
- Kim Ho-joong
- Le Chan-won
TMA Best Music Autumn
- V
- Young Tak
- Jung Kook
In addition to the awards, an unavoidable aspect of every award show is the performances by the attendees, For this year's The Fact Music Awards, which will be hosted by Girls' Generation's Seo Hyun and Jun Hyun-moo, like every other, has a long and exciting list of artist who'll be rolling out their stages. Here's the artist lineup for 2023 The Fact Music Awards:
- xikers
- Kwon Eunbi
- Jannabi
- aespa
- NewJeans
- Stray Kids
- Lim Young-woong
- Lee Chan-won
In addition to the K-pop groups and artists, the K-drama actors who'll be appearing as presenters for the award show are as follows.
- Kim Nam-gil
- Park Hae-jin
- Lim Ji-yeon
- Kim So-hyun
- Park Shin-hye
- Park Hyung-sik
- Kim Nam-hee
- Kim Geon-woo
While the show will naturally be held in Incheon with a limited number of public attendees of whoever managed to get their seats, the show will also be accessible to fans from all around the world through its live streaming facilities. Fans from North and Latin America can view the live stream of the 2023 The Fact Music Awards through Kpop Map's YouTube Channel.
Additionally, fans belonging to parts of the world such as Korea, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Thailand can access the same through the Idol+ app. For Japan-based K-pop fans, the live stream of the award show will be screened through the platforms, MUSIC ON! TV and Lemino. On the other hand, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Oceania, can get a hold of the show through The Fact's live stream through their YouTube Channel.
While the 2023 The Fact Music Awards is expected to start around 6:30 PM KST on October 10, the red carpet events will begin at 4:30 PM KST. With only a few hours left for the award show, fans can hardly wait to see how its events unfold.
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