Dark Alien Pop From Glorybots Nomad

Glorybots is the musical doppelganger of Jalal Andre, who recently released Nomad, a neo-dark wave, post-punk track rife with dreamy space invader-like textures, like Barbarella directed by Tarantino.

Glorybots is the musical doppelganger of Jalal Andre, who recently released “Nomad,” a neo-dark wave, post-punk track rife with dreamy space invader-like textures, like Barbarella directed by Tarantino.

Based in Seattle, where he’s the front man for Echo Texture, Andre felt the need for an edgier sound, a sound treading the line between strange and mainstream.

According to Andre, “Glorybots began as a deliberate departure from the typical rock band format, with an intent to pursue a greater focus on theme development and multi-instrument arrangement. The project quickly evolved with the introduction of more alien sonic landscapes.”

Dark alien pop is the way Andre describes the sound.

Initially titled “Immigrant,” but later changed to “Nomad,” the song reflects the current climate in the U.S., where the path to citizenship and émigrés proliferate television news. This human tendency to flee from struggle weaves through the song’s lyrics:

“Born to leave, I’m a runaway, I’m a runaway / Forced to leave, I’m a runaway, I’m a runaway / Don’t you scream, I’m a runaway, I’m a runaway / Don’t you leave, I’m a runaway, I’m a runaway.”

“Nomad” opens on emerging synths emanating surfacing colors, tense and slightly brittle. The chorus shimmers with undulating textures flowing into a glowing stream of sonic threads, as Andre’s plaintive falsetto spirals overhead. There’s a definite textural shift as the music bridges and segues from the verse to the chorus.

There’s a haunting beauty to the harmonics, lingering, almost surreal, infusing the tune with a supercharged harmonic structure more eerie than malicious, providing a supernatural aura. The mood and feel is dark, and alien, and pop-savored, but it’s not sinister. In the end, the hypnotic feel of the music reveals a different sonic commerce that’s contagious.

With “Nomad,” Glorybots delivers creamy, dreamy ethereal colors, along with a feeling of rapid transit through an alien soundscape of lush beauty.

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