Former Vlog Squad producer alleges that Jason Nash forced him to be shirtless in a video

The fallout from former Vlog Squad member Seth Francois's shocking allegations against David Dobrik and Jason Nash continue to boil over, with the latter recently being accused of forcing a former producer to go shirtless.

The fallout from former Vlog Squad member Seth Francois's shocking allegations against David Dobrik and Jason Nash continue to boil over, with the latter recently being accused of forcing a former producer to go shirtless.

On a recent episode of Ethan Klein and Trisha Paytas' Frenemies podcast, the duo spoke about how several people have come forward in the wake of Francois' allegations.

According to Paytas, one of the victims is a guy who endured an unpleasant experience with Nash in particular. This person recently came forward to share his story:

In a TikTok video, he reveals that he worked for The Vlog Squad in 2017 for two months. While he mentioned that he enjoyed the work, he was often put in several uncomfortable situations.

Speaking about the same, the victim recounted a painful encounter with Nash at a July 4th party.

Allegations against Jason Nash and David Dobrik continue to pile up.

Before Francois revealed his traumatizing experience with Dobrik and Nash, another former member, Nick "BigNik" Keswani, accused The Vlog Squad of being a toxic cult that made him feel worthless.

It looks like Francois and Keswai's decision to share their experiences has instilled confidence in others. The third person to level the allegations is a producer who previously worked with Dobrik and Nash.

In his TikTok video, he admits to having body issues and states that he was uncomfortable with being shirtless. But that did not deter Jason Nash, who continued to pressurize him:

"Jason was filming with this girl who who was very intoxicated and at one point Jason wanted me to take off my shirt because he thought it would be funny . Eventually this girl began chssing me around the house and tried to rip off my shirt as Jason would provoke her. I never gave them my consent. Jason filmed the whole thing and tried to put it in his next video and I had to convince him for three hours not to cause I felt humiliated. "

He also revealed that Nash shockingly fired him a couple of days after the incident.

In light of these allegations, Twitter users expressed discontent over the working environment and behavior of Dobrik and Nash.

As dissent continues to mount online, it looks like the recent allegations by Keswani and Francois have started a domino reaction. The aftermath of these allegations remains to be seen as pressure continues to pile on Dobrik, Nash, and the Vlog Squad.

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