How to easily make bows and arrows in Sons of the Forest?

Hunting and survival are two critical elements in Sons of the Forest. You need to protect yourself and hunt animals for resources, and what's better than ranged weapons like bows and arrows for hunting? They allow you to maintain a distance from your target and land a precise hit on them.

Hunting and survival are two critical elements in Sons of the Forest. You need to protect yourself and hunt animals for resources, and what's better than ranged weapons like bows and arrows for hunting? They allow you to maintain a distance from your target and land a precise hit on them.

Crafting the weapon is pretty easy since the items necessary for the recipe are abundantly available in the open world of this survival title. Sons of the Forest is a sequel to the survival horror simulator The Forest, which was released in 2014. The latest installment builds upon its predecessor's foundations and improves crafting, realism, accessibility, and more.

This guide will provide step-by-step instructions on how to craft bows and arrows in Sons of the Forest.

Crafting bows and arrows in Sons of the Forest

1) Crafting a bow in Sons of the forest

Bows can be crafted by referring to the blueprint menu provided in the game. It is an easy-to-make weapon that comes in handy for types of enemies. You can find the materials early in the game and craft a simple bow.

Here's what you need to make a bow:

  • Sticks - 2
  • Rope - 1
  • Duct Tape
  • Select the materials to bring them onto the crafting mat. Select the cog icon. It will bring up different items you can craft out of these materials, including a bow. Click on the "combine" option to craft the bow.

    2) Crafting arrows in Sons of the Forest

    There are three types of arrows that you can craft in the game: Stone arrows, Carbon Fiber arrows, and 3D-printed arrows. To make them all, you will need the corresponding raw materials. Some are easy to acquire, while others are rare and non-replenishable.

    Stone Arrows

    To craft stone arrows, you will need the following:

  • Sticks - 2
  • Stones - 4
  • Feathers - 2
  • Bring all of the items to the crafting table. Click on the cog icon that will now be highlighted will a glowing outline. Then click on the "combine" option to craft atones arrows. This will give you multiple stone arrows for your arsenal.

    So, keep a good amount of sticks at hand. Increase the storage space to carry more sticks to craft this ammunition if needed.

    Carbon Fiber arrows

    Carbon Fiber arrows can be found in an underground dungeon along the river's western side of the map. Use your GPS to locate it. Dungeons have a lot of quality loot that is very useful in the game.

    One of them is the Carbon Fiber arrow. They have a higher accuracy and range than the stone arrows. They are also more stable but also not readily available. So, use them wisely.

    3D-printed arrows

    Crafting 3D printed arrows in Sons of the Forest (Image via WoW Quest/

    This one is relatively difficult to craft as the materials are rare. You will require two main ingredients: Resin and a 3D printer. You can find 3D printers in the underground dungeons on the map. The resin count for arrows is 50 ml per batch.

    Farm as many resins as possible and go to the 3D printer to craft arrows. Use them economically, as you must repeatedly return to the printer to replenish them. Establish a base near a dungeon to quickly get to the printer and craft the various utility items you need in Son of the Forest.

    Bows and arrows are primitive weapons that are effective even today. Many AAA titles will have you build or acquire them as a ranged weapon for your arsenal. The Sons of the forest will allow you to get them early in the game. Master them quickly; they will remain one of your primary weapons until you find more materials to craft better weapons.

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