How to possibly fix it

The second session of the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 beta is now live. In it, COD fans are having a great time trying out some of the amazing features that the upcoming franchise entry has to offer.

The second session of the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 beta is now live. In it, COD fans are having a great time trying out some of the amazing features that the upcoming franchise entry has to offer.

However, the shooter’s beta has been plagued with a significant number of performance issues across all platforms: PC, Xbox, and PlayStation. Moreover, some of the problems players have faced involve network and connectivity. One example is the “Connection Failed” error, which has been popping up for many when either in a match or when trying to launch the game.

Unfortunately, as Moder Warfare 2 is still in its beta, there is no permanent fix to the problem just yet. However, today’s guide will go over certain measures that players can take to fix it temporarily.

Troubleshooting the “Connection Failed” error in Modern Warfare 2

The reason why the “Connection Failed” error occurs in Modern Warfare 2 is not something that the community has been able to pinpoint just yet. However, here are a few steps that players will be to take to fix it temporarily:

  • You will first be required to make sure the online services for Modern Warfare 2 are actually live. Oftentimes, beta servers are found to be down temporarily, because of which players can't access the game, and the “Connection Failed” error presents itself.
  • You should, therefore, visit Activision-Blizzard’s online server status page to see if the servers are at all online when you are facing the error. Here's the link to the company's server:
  • If you are still encountering the error after checking Activision's server status, then you will need to make sure that the platform that you are playing the game on is not the problem's source.
  • This step is primarily for PlayStation and Xbox owners, who will need to check if there are any issues that the online services of their systems are facing.
  • If everything is fine on that front, and you are still receiving the “Connection Failed” error in Modern Warfare 2 beta, then the next viable solution will be to restart the game and even the device it's running on if need be. Many in the community have mentioned that restarting either has temporarily solved the issue for them.
  • Re-installing Modern Warfare from scratch or looking out for updates and patching it to the latest version is another viable solution that you can look into. As the title is still in its beta, it will be getting constant updates. It’s important that fans keep the client updated so that they can avoid the plethora of bugs and errors that the community is facing with the shooter offering right now.

If the above-mentioned steps do not work when it comes to fixing the “Connection Failed” error, players are advised to contact the official Customer Support Team using this link: The Activision team will likely be able to help them find a solution.

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