How to unlock the Burrow Beast in Destroy All Humans! 2 Reprobed

The Burrow Beast is one of several insane weapons that players can get their hands on in Destroy All Humans! 2 Reprobed. The majority of the weapons they do find will be unlocked through story progression. The Burrow Beast, however, has its own objective and can be completely missed.

The Burrow Beast is one of several insane weapons that players can get their hands on in Destroy All Humans! 2 Reprobed. The majority of the weapons they do find will be unlocked through story progression. The Burrow Beast, however, has its own objective and can be completely missed.

It is one of the most powerful weapons in the game, so players may want to prioritize its addition to Crypto's arsenal by finishing the side missions of the Cult of Arkvoodle questline.

The Cult of Arkvoodle questline in Destroy All Humans! 2 Reprobed

There are 16 total side quests in the Cult of Arkvoodle story. All of these must be completed, along with the discovery of 30 Alien Artifacts if players want the Burrow Beast.

Here is each mission in the questline:

  • Who is Arkvoodle?
  • Flip Up the Flyppies
  • Yapping Bully
  • Shama Llama Slips Up
  • Establishing Shots
  • Publicity Stunt
  • Revelations
  • Con Mods
  • Like a Drowned Mole
  • Alien Overlords: The Reality
  • Freakin' Art
  • Freaky Flyers
  • Half-Wits Are Better Than None
  • Fooling the Black Ninja
  • Takoshima Rumble
  • The Coming of Arkvoodle

These quests take players to Bay City, Albion, and Takoshima. The quest marker on the map is a flower icon. Just approach the NPC or location with the icon above it to start the next quest.

When it comes to Alien Artifacts, there are 50 total in Destroy All Humans! 2 Reprobed. There are 10 of them in each location of the game. With that being said, only 30 hidden red collectibles are required for the Burrow Beast.

Once they have been collected, talk to Shama Llama for The Coming of Arkvoodle. One last mission is needed and, in the end, Arkvoodle's followers will summon the Furon god and he will appear to give Crypto the Data Core for the Burrow Beast.

How to use the Burrow Beast in Destroy All Humans! 2 Reprobed?

The Burrow Beast surprises a foe in Destroy All Humans! 2 Reprobed (Image via THQ Nordic)

The Burrow Beast isn't hard to use by any means. It just requires players to point and click with the weapon. Fire it with the respective button on the console to summon a beast.

That's right, it summons an underground monster to do Crypto's bidding. A cloud of bait is shot at the target area and any enemy in the vicinity will be devoured by the beast as it emerges from beneath the Earth.

Players are able to switch weapons and fight with any other method while the Burrow Beast continues to feast. All the hostiles near the original area will soon be devoured by the beast.

It allows for several upgrades, such as the ability to attack vehicles and extending the amount of time it can terrorize enemies. This is a mighty weapon that players shouldn't pass up.

The Burrow Beast can destroy any target in Destroy All Humans! 2 Reprobed. This includes some of the tougher bosses and the giant Blisk enemies that appear in the game's final chapter.

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