The new Bravo series ‘Dancing Queens’ premieres on May 9. The show follows Colette Marotto, Donie Burch, Gaëlle Benchetrit, Leonie Biggs, Pooja Mehta, and Sabrina Strasser as they invest their time and money into their all-consuming passion to vie for the top spots, respect, and recognition in the world of Pro-Am dance competitions. Pro-Am combines amateur dancers competing with professional partners.
One of the cast members is Leonie from Haworth, New Jersey. Leonie is a perfectionist who doesn’t like to take on anything unless she can be the best at it. With a full plate, she balances life as a wife and mother with her high-powered career in finance. This dance season, Leonie has a new pro partner, Koysta Samarskyi, which adds stress, doubt, and additional hours of practicing before she feels ready to compete. Take a look at other members of the ‘Dancing Queens’ cast in our gallery now.