Sorry Joe, but you're getting too fucking fat

Recently though, I've had to look away in disgust. If I actually did have any enjoyment of the TNA product - which I suppose I do, but only on rare occasions - this would probably ruin it. Had Joe put a shirt on for when he hung Davairi upside down and beat him with a

I'm sorry, but he really is. I'm not a big Joe detractor. Matter of fact, I'm a big Joe fan. I never used to think his weight problem was, well, a problem. I couldn't put it any better than it was put in Pulp Fiction:

Recently though, I've had to look away in disgust. If I actually did have any enjoyment of the TNA product - which I suppose I do, but only on rare occasions - this would probably ruin it. Had Joe put a shirt on for when he hung Davairi upside down and beat him with a stick, I'd have probably been entertained. The sight of Joe's man boobs and jiggly, soft, almost hypnotic stomach made me feel sick though. Allow me to illustrate:


Doesn't really show off the breasts, but look at that belly. Jesus Christ. You're a pro wrestler Joe. Would it kill you to lose a little weight? I mean, you're a chunky fucker by nature. I ain't got a problem with that. Lately you just look gross though.

