Where is Je'Michael Malloy now? Whereabouts explored ahead of City Confidential on A&E

Je'Michael Malloy, charged with the killing of a missing South View High School freshman and his ex-girlfriend Danielle Locklear, pleaded guilty to second-degree murder in 2016. Dominic Lock, Malloy's friend and accomplice, also pleaded guilty to accessory to murder.

Je'Michael Malloy, charged with the killing of a missing South View High School freshman and his ex-girlfriend Danielle Locklear, pleaded guilty to second-degree murder in 2016. Dominic Lock, Malloy's friend and accomplice, also pleaded guilty to accessory to murder.

In March 2014, 15-year-old Locklear disappeared after leaving her grandparents' home, informing them that she was going to meet a friend. Her body was found floating in the South River with cinderblocks tied to her waist and ankles. An autopsy determined that the victim died of asphyxiation with a sock stuffed down her throat.

Reports state that Je'Michael Malloy was sentenced to 25 to 31 years in prison and is currently serving time at the Bertie Correctional Institution in Windsor. Lock was sentenced to six to eight years.

Danielle Locklear's case will air on A&E's City Confidential this Thursday, March 30, in an episode titled The Telltale Creek. The synopsis for the episode states:

"People in charming Hope Mills, North Carolina are on edge when a high school freshman vanishes while on her way to meet a friend. When she turns up dead three weeks later, the community rallies to flush out the killer."

The Telltale Creek airs on the channel at 10:00 pm ET on March 30, 2023.

Je'Michael Malloy apologized to Danielle Locklear's family, stating that his "sorry doesn't cut it"

In August 2015, a grand jury indicted Je'Michael Malloy of Cumberland County in the 2014 strangulation death of the Hope Mills teen, his ex-girlfriend, and high school freshman, Danielle Locklear. Malloy, 19, was then charged with first-degree murder over a year after he first confessed to killing Locklear not long after the victim's body was found floating in the South River.

According to WRAL News, Malloy informed authorities that he strangled Locklear to death in March 2014 before he and his friend Dominic Lock, 18, tied her body to cinderblocks and dumped her in the South River close to the Cumberland-Sampson county border. Lock was originally charged with second-degree murder.

Subsequently, in 2016, Je'Michael Malloy pleaded guilty to a second-degree murder charge, which carried a minimum 25-year prison sentence. He was then sentenced to 25 to 31 years in prison. Meanwhile, Dominic Lock pleaded guilty to accessory to murder for helping Malloy in disposing of the victim's body, receiving a six to eight-year prison sentence.

CBS 17 reported that after accepting the plea deal, Malloy apologized to Locklear’s family, saying,

"I know there’s nothing I can do or I can say to bring her back. I do want to apologize for the actions I’ve made. I know sorry doesn’t cut it, but I do I want to say I’m really sorry."

As per the same report, Rowna Fowler, the 15-year-old victim's mother, asserted that his apology will not bring her daughter back and that the murderer still gets to breathe while her daughter "is in the grave so that’s the way I look at it."

Fowler then addressed the court, mentioning,

"I can’t watch my baby get her high school diploma. I can’t watch her get married. That was my only one, I can’t have any more children, Je’Michael. You took that away from me. You ripped out my soul."

Je'Michael Malloy is now serving his sentence at the Bertie Correctional Institution in Windsor, North Carolina.

Je'Michael Malloy confessed that he snapped when Danielle Locklear refused to take a pregnancy test

Je'Michael Malloy and Danielle Locklear first started dating in June 2013 and the following March, she was reported missing. While investigating the latter's disappearance, authorities learned that she texted Malloy about her pregnancy. But once her body was found, the medical examiner claimed that she wasn't pregnant at the time.

According to Malloy's confession, he and Dominic Lock picked Locklear up that night and went to the creek, where they got into a fight after the 15-year-old refused to take a pregnancy test in front of her ex-boyfriend and kept hitting him. Malloy confessed that in that moment, he snapped and strangled her. Lock then stuffed a sock in her mouth before disposing of her body in the creek.

City Confidential on A&E will shed further light on the case this Thursday at 10 pm ET.

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